Little Monkey received a Little Tikes "Makin' Mud Pies" Kitchen Set from her grandma for her birthday. While I was super exited about this, it didn't change the fact that all the dirt we would use for mud pies is fozen solid and buried under 20 inches snow. Monkey just turned two, and we all know that two year old's don't like to wait, so we had to quickly think of something to do with her new toy. The day after her Birthday we gathered up some snow and made snow cakes. The kids loved it! (I didn't take any pictures!) We also added a few drops of food coloring. This was an easy way for them to play with snow (which they love.) and for me to stay warm (which I love.)
They made mud pies for a over an hour before Little Monkey started getting bored. Since the older kids were still enjoying them self's I gave her a tray of mud with some plastic animals she had picked out. Rane also loved playing with the animals in mud. Rye enjoyed writing letters in the mud with toothpicks. Which helped me to think of something else we could do with this new found mud.
They continued to play with the mud for a good forty five minutes longer. At this point it started getting a little dry and we all needed a snack. The Mud was a great activity That really seemed to help all of us to relax. (The same way finger painting does.) We saved the left over mud for another day. I know I can't wait to play with mud again!
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