Friday, February 8, 2013

Mud Pies

Little Monkey received a Little Tikes "Makin' Mud Pies" Kitchen Set from her grandma for her birthday. While I was super exited about this, it didn't change the fact that all the dirt we would use for mud pies is fozen solid and buried under 20 inches snow. Monkey just turned two, and we all know that two year old's don't like to wait, so we had to quickly think of something to do with her new toy.  The day after her Birthday we gathered up some snow and made snow cakes.  The kids loved it! (I didn't take any pictures!) We also added a few drops of food coloring. This was an easy way for them to play with snow (which they love.) and for me to stay warm (which I love.)

Soon enough the Mud Pie kitchen was placed beside the toy kitchen waiting for the ground to soften. But I was itching to make mud pies! Maybe its because I was longing for spring, or maybe its because I remembered how much I enjoyed playing in mud as a child, but I couldn't wait any longer!  I began searching for ways to make "mud."  I found a recipe that involved mixing baking soda with enough water to make it feel 'muddy'. So I Put some Baking Soda in a bowl, added two packs of grape kool-aid for color, and slowly stirred in some water. The kids loved the way it smelled and dug right in.

In no time we were rolling and mixing up some pies. We added a small table with plates and other 'kitchen' toys. They loved the way it felt and smelled. Rane said it reminded her of goop but wasn't as slimy. Rye spent most of his time at the kitchen mixing. Little Monkey told me a dozen times that I couldn't eat it because it was mud.

 They made mud pies for a over an hour before Little Monkey started getting bored. Since the older kids were still enjoying them self's I gave her a tray of mud with some plastic animals she had picked out. Rane also loved playing with the animals in mud. Rye enjoyed writing letters in the mud with toothpicks. Which helped me to think of something else we could do with this new found mud.

They continued to play with the mud for a good forty five minutes longer. At this point it started getting a little dry and we all needed a snack. The Mud was a great activity That really seemed to help all of us to relax. (The same way finger painting does.) We saved the left over mud for another day. I know I can't wait to play with mud again! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ice Sculptures

Inspired by all the local artists' Ice Sculptures, and feeling like I haven't done enough 'wintery' stuff with the kids this year, we decided to create our own icy art. We started by collecting some containers to be filled with water. The kiddo's love playing with water so they had a blast filling the containers. Although little Monkey (who just turned 2) enjoyed dumping the containers a bit more than filling. The older two loved adding and mixing food coloring in.  We then we put them outside. (We had a winter storm advisory So I was sure they would be frozen by morning)  It was a great opportunity to talk to the kids about the phases of matter, and how the water would expand as it freezes.

The next day the real fun began! The Kids could hardly wait to get all the shapes out of their containers which to my surprise was very easy. (There were a few stubborn ones, but they came out just fine after running some warm water over them.) 

Little Monkey kept saying, "Ice! this is great!"  Rane (5) said, "This is really amazing," I was happy that they were so entertained by something so simple.


Even Barbie came to join the fun! They also liked when it started to melt and the ice got slippery. I had to get my son Rye (4) his own cookie sheet to shoot his melting ice around on. (Rane was getting a bit up set that he kept knocking her beautiful ice sculptures.)

This was so much fun!  I think we might try it again this summer when we need a little ice to cool us off.

After most the ice had melted we had fun washing the dishes we used to make the ice.  Some of the food coloring was still in the cups, so it colored the soapy water (even more fun!).  This was an activity I know they would love to do again and again.

(When you're playing with ice make sure you have a towel handy! The older kids also wanted some gloves after a few minutes of playing.)