Monday, November 19, 2012

Rainbow Bubbles

Rainbow Bubbles

We started the day with a neat sensory activity I found here.  It was simple, required little prep time, and kept the kids busy for hours.  We filled a tote with dish-soap bubbles, added a little food coloring, and ouala!

This activity was not without it's challenges.  It was a little messy, but we were prepared with towels, and the bubbles did dilute the food coloring quite a bit.  Also, after about 20 minutes, the colors had all blended together, and we were left with a tote full of brown bubbles, so I had to refresh them a few times during the activity.

As if it wasn't enough having a sea of rainbow bubbles to play with, we added a few plastic animals, which the kids really loved.

Overall this was a great activity.

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