Friday, November 23, 2012

Mud Pudding

Today we used an expired package of instant pudding, some cocoa powder, and some moss (that I found growing on the roof) to create a mud bog perfect for our toy cars to drive around in.  I also added some miniature people and plastic cows.  My son, who loves washing things in the bathroom sink, had a blast getting the cars muddy, and then taking them to be cleaned.  My oldest daughter mas fascinated by the use of food for an activity like this, and all three of the kids loved the way it smelled.   Using my handy dandy plastic tote was very helpful for keeping the mess to a minimum.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Rainbow Bubbles

Rainbow Bubbles

We started the day with a neat sensory activity I found here.  It was simple, required little prep time, and kept the kids busy for hours.  We filled a tote with dish-soap bubbles, added a little food coloring, and ouala!

This activity was not without it's challenges.  It was a little messy, but we were prepared with towels, and the bubbles did dilute the food coloring quite a bit.  Also, after about 20 minutes, the colors had all blended together, and we were left with a tote full of brown bubbles, so I had to refresh them a few times during the activity.

As if it wasn't enough having a sea of rainbow bubbles to play with, we added a few plastic animals, which the kids really loved.

Overall this was a great activity.