Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fun With Polymers: Borax and Glue Slime

Tonight the kids and I made our favorite slime recipe, which uses borax, craft glue, and water.  I took this opportunity to expose them to some fun facts about polymers (long molecule strands - which are what make the slime slimy)  I first did a little research on polymers (Which consisted of reading the "How does it work" section of This Web Page) and then we watched a few Youtube videos on the topic.

Examples of Polymers:
  • Plastics
  • DNA
  • Enzymes
  • Rubber
  • Cellulose
Helpful Videos:

This one was packed with interesting information, but a little too dry for the 2 year old.

This one was informative and entertaining, but a little crude...

What the kids had to say:

"I dropped my long polymer chains on the ground!"  Rane (6)

"Its a polymer molecule!"  Rye (5)

"I wanna watch polymer party!" Monkey (2)